[NOTE: A couple of short years ago, visitors and locals alike were so anxious to return to their work sites after a week-end of massive Fourth of July celebrations that all along the shores of our beloved Folly Beach, USA they left without stopping to pick-up or clean-up after themselves. It was repulsive. And this did not make our locals, our city council or our mayor very happy. So in a frantic response to assure that nothing like this would ever occur again, solutions and suggestions ranging from ticketing litterer’s to banning poopy diapers began to surface. A couple of these suggestions led to the creation of the now defunct Beach Management Program, which, oddly enough, proved to be quite successful, which begs the question “So why does it not exist anymore?” But that’s another bizarro issue altogether. Soon, other more far-fetched recommendations started getting attention from some of our city council members. Like the one banning alcohol from our beach. That idea died quicker than a Union soldier in a Charleston Civil War re-enactment scene. Still, had it lasted just a week or two longer, this was the op-ed waiting in the wing’s.]
(Sometime in the very near future, Folly Beach, USA.)
That first beer together; A right of passage celebrated by father and sons everywhere. Well, almost everywhere.
“Here we are son. Finally! Folly Beach!”
“Dad why couldn’t we just talk back at the rental? It’s hot out here.”
“Well, son, you’ll be off to college next year. On your own. Not my little boy anymore, …”
“Dad? Are you crying?”
“Crying? No. Don’t be silly. I don’t cry. Just a sand flea in my eye that’s all. Hey! Wanna guess what I’ve got in this knapsack?”
“An onion?”
“Again, not crying. No, no you see this is a very special moment for us. One shared by father and sons…”
“Dad? Didn’t we have this talk already? Remember? Dairy Queen? Burger King? Make a Little Caesar?”
“No boy, pay attention! We’re talking about a ritual every father and son go through. Here... hold these?”
“What’s with the plastic cups…..hey. What was that?”
“That, son, was the opening of our first beer together. Bring that cup over here. Just listen to that will ya’? Nothing sweeter than the pouring of that very first father and son beer.”
“Dad. Is that a tear rolling down your…”
“I’m fine. I’m fine. Here, take it. Here’s to you son. May your entrance into manhood…”
“Hold it right there!”
“Who are you guys? And why are you all in bathrobes, slippers and...are those quacamole facial masks? It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon !”
“We’re the Folly Beach City Council and you’re both under arrest!”
“Why? We’re just a father and son trying to share our first beer together!”
“We don’t care if you’re sharing the last note of the National Anthem butt naked in the middle of Center Street; drinking is no longer allowed on the beach. The moose out front should have told you.”
“The moose out where? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Well, if you were gonna do a parody on that Chevy Chase/Anthony Michael Hall sharing a beer in the desert scene from “National Lampoons Vacation” we figured we could spoof the John Candy in the amusement park scene. Now that was funny...but we’re not laughing.”
“Why not?”
“We’re the Folly Beach City Council. We’ve imposed a ‘no laughing’ ordinance against ourselves. It passed unanimously. Unless, of course, there’s a dead puppy involved which we then have to request and issue ourselves a special 2 minute chuckle permit.”
“What?! That’s ridiculous. Look, this is a genuine moment here. We came all the way down from Ohio for this! To share that first beer with my one and only child..”
“Uh, Dad. You have two...”
“Shut up, Rusty. To think that of all the places we could’ve picked to share this special moment, my son, my one and only legitimate son picked Folly Beach. Remember Rusty? When I asked you if you could pick any city in the world to share a very special moment with your dear old man? What did you say?”
“Hawaii, Dad?”
“’Folly Beach, Dad, Folly Beach’. And now you guys are saying we can’t? Because of some absurd, asinine ordinance that makes it illegal to drink on the beach? Are you joking?”
“We don’t joke, sir. Again, we’re the Folly Beach City Council. In fact, we’re pretty pissed off the word “Folly” is even in our title. The point is; drinking is now illegal on the beach and therefore you and your son will both be given a citation so ridiculous that it’ll make your head swim and convince you to never, ever come back to Folly Beach. Ever.“
“But why?”
“Let me explain. Just four days into the month of July, we had so many people celebrating and boozing it up on the beach that when they left there was far too much trash for us to clean up. And since we’ve already spent millions and millions of dollars on our really, pretty new street signs and our sweet new municipal building with a brand new microwave, well, we simply couldn’t afford to pay somebody to clean the mess up or pay for more trash receptacles. No, we just figured it would better suit our council’s agenda to simply outlaw the drinking of alcoholic beverages on the beach altogether.”
“Exactly what kind of an agenda are we talking about?”
“To one day become a successful and snobbish retirement community. No more surfers or bar-flys. We’re talking the return of silent bingo, blue plate specials at 3 p.m. and lots and lots of rich old people walking their little tiny dogs. “
“That’s not an agenda, that’s the blueprint for Bishop Gladsen phase II.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, sir. Now look! There’s no drinking on the beach and you and your son will just have to pay the price for doing so!”
“But what about all those couples who come here to celebrate their wedding anniversaries’? Or take a romantic walk along the surf while sipping from a plastic glass of wine? Or the college spring breakers celebrating that all too brief moment between youthful exhilaration and the drudgery of adulthood? And what of the many couples who come to this beach to exchange their vows? How are they expected to share a toast to a new and wonderful beginning? By yelling “HEY KOOL-AID!” and watch some fat ass pitcher of strawberry flavored water burst through the wall of their rental?
“Hey Dad! I think that chick in the corvette was checking you out!”
“Don’t interrupt, Rusty. And what about all those people who work so hard just so they can …”
“Look here she comes again….”
“Whoa mama! Hey! How do I look, Rusty?”
“Hi everyone. Sorry I’m late. Seems someone was raising a pint of beer in memory of someone whose ashes were about to be tossed into the ocean. We hauled ‘em all in though. Dead guy included. ”
“Glad you could make it Councilwoman. “
“So. What have we here?”
“Got us a father/son sharing their first beer together. You know, like in that movie…”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ve seen it. I like the part where they tie their Aunt to the roof of their car in a rainstorm.”
“Yeah. And the dog tied to the bumper while they were on the road. That was, oh what’s the word I’m looking for? Hilarious?”
“Well said Mr. Mayor.”
“This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy...”
“I’m sorry what was that?”
“Look. My son and I..we didn’t know. We were…”
“No,no, no. What was that you just said.”
“Nothing. I was just talking to myself.”
“I don’t know Mr. Mayor. Sounded a lot to me like an ‘utter’.”
“A what?!”
“What say you Council members? Did this man ‘utter’?”
“Yes sir, your Mayor-ness. Definitely a clear violation of Noise ordinance 555-4, Sect. IB, para. 3 sub-section four and I quote: “Blah, blah, blah, no uttering.”
“No what?! No uttering? No UTTERING? Are you people nuts?!”
“Councilman, would you please call Public Saftey. Tell ‘em we got us a multiple violation’s here and they’d better bring some back-up. The whole force. In fact, a couple of the county boys’ couldn’t hurt either.”
“No uttering? No beer on the beach? A noise ordinance? Where are we? The Isle of Palms? Sullivans Island? Utah?
“There he goes again, still uttering.”
“Some people just don’t know when to shut up! Anyone bring their mace?”
“Sorry, Mr. Mayor. We heard there was alcohol involved so we just brought our tazers.”
“Tag him!”
“Nooo!!! “Dad? Dad? Hang in there, Dad. It’ll be alright. We’ll just go somewhere else for our first beer together . Like downtown Charleston. Or Mount Pleasant! Or Sullivan’s Island, Dad! What do ya’ say Dad? What d’ya say?”
“Now…now I am crying, son.”